Long time since I posted.
Today, I woke up in fear. Not to an extend of breaking cold sweat, but to an extend that i could remember the dream. I mean i could always remember my dreams, but this dream has made deep impression on my memory.
This dream is just too real.
This is how the dream started, at least from where i remembered.
My family and I was shopping for pet fish or something, we were in a pet shop. There was this Odd-ly shaped fish tank. It was flat with a fish in it. I touched it, and the whole tanks leaked water. And the fish was opening its mouth wide. The fish look like a stonefish. I went too touch the fish, as in my dream, the open mouth was too tempting for my fingers. I put it in and SNAP went the fish. The poison went into me, and i could not breathe and was in pain. The pain was real. There was only me, at that time, near the tank.
This is when something cool happened.
When i couldn't breathe, I know i had poison in me, and i know that I have to get treated as soon as possible.
And i found out I was able to control the dream, I "made" my father appear. And i waved at him before i fainted. I could feel my dad carry me before i blacked out...
Just like a movie...
When i "woke" up, i was in a room.
And i could hear my family talkin about the hospital fees and things like that...
Then the nurses pierced my feet and drew blood.
They exclaimed, "Hey he really got poison!!"
I was -___- in my dreams... lol lame things even happen in my dream...
And i wake up, I found it an awesome experience, somewhat the experience of death itself...
Like a spirit moving around after death talking to his dead body....
Haiz... too much TV and movies...
I love dreams