Such grand and incredible gathering of the omnipotent beings obviously took much more time.
Junda was the first to reach, next was me and my brother.
We decided to go in first.
To our expectations, the room welcomed us with full blast air conditional.
We set down and waited for the rest to gather.
Soon it was 3 plus. Finally, Most of us have reached.
We started out with basketball.
Yeah basketball was normal.
The main attraction was soccer.
We gathered and walked out of the amazon.
Finding a ideal spot for soccer is always a problem.

Looking for courts...
Here is the drama.....
Initially, the spot was the soccer court not far away from the field.
Too bad, it was occupied by the most common minerals on earth.
Without hesitation, we dash right into bukit panjang primary school.
We thought it was the best location, but when we were inside,
we found out the field was sucky.
The grass were long and itched our legs.
Later we found out that the gate to the school was not locked.
Thanks to Joel, we got into the courts in BPPS.

Forming team...
We thought we would have all the fun at that place.
"Form team!!!" Was soon heard echoing the area.
We formed team based on choices of captains..
When things were getting a bit intense, and goals were seen,
we were denied of the court as it was prohibited to play inside the school compound.
We had to get out and find a new area.
Joel gave us a last resort.. travel to a field further away.
Without much disagreement, we went there.
It was an ideal soccer field!!
The grass were just 1 mm shorter than the national specifications.
The goals were 5 times smaller but it add on to a more challenging gameplay.

Kumpung soccer...
Goals and winners were not important, as long as we had fun.

We all had fun, and thanks to ZX for sponsoring the drinks, there were no prunes found on the field.
Yongxiang had a cramp, but thanks to my firstaid skills,
he could walk again.

First aid...

Vincent, Goalie of the day...
Soon we had to leave the field as brown pests started to invade our field.
We went back, took a BIG round about thanks to Joel.
It was "great" cool down for our fatigue legs.
It was okay, as food was just round the corner.
We ate Dinner.
Weiming's random salad was the best.
Food wasnt too bad.
Thanks joel!
*ahem* IP man was screened.
They had a joke during the screening, i missed it as i had to sent off that party crasher.
Sat down together with the others, and soon, we were enjoying the block blaster.
Sorry for being spoiler, but IP MAn was just too awesome, i cant control my excitement.
We took a photo after the show.

Us. Erm.. what is binghan looking at? LOL
Soon It was goodbye.
Let's do this again.
Credits: JK for the photos
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