Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sleep Apnea

Hey, on the 21 of Oct, i will be sleeping in
General Hospital...
For a sleep check.
They suspect I have something called sleep apnea..

So what is this stupid sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep.Each episode, called an apnea (Greek: ἄπνοια (ápnoia), from α- (a-), privative, πνέειν (pnéein), to breathe), lasts long enough so that one or more breaths are missed, and such episodes occur repeatedly throughout sleep. The standard definition of any apneic event includes a minimum 10 second interval between breaths, with either a neurological arousal (a 3-second or greater shift in EEG frequency, measured at C3, C4, O1, or O2), a blood oxygen desaturation of 3-4% or greater, or both arousal and desaturation. Sleep apnea is diagnosed with an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram, or a "Sleep Study" which is often conducted by a pulmonologist.

Symptoms may be present for years (or even decades) without identification, during which time the sufferer may become conditioned to the daytime sleepiness and fatigue associated with significant levels of sleep disturbance.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common category of sleep-disordered breathing.

The muscle tone of the body ordinarily relaxes during sleep and at the level of the throat the human airway is composed of collapsible walls of soft tissue which can obstruct breathing during sleep.

Mild, occasional sleep apnea, such as many people experience during an upper respiratory infection may not be important, but chronic, severe obstructive sleep apnea requires treatment to prevent sleep deprivation and other complications.
The most serious complication is a severe form of congestive heart failure called cor pulmonale.

Common symptoms include loud snoring, restless sleep, and sleepiness during the daytime. Diagnostic tests include home oximetry or polysomnography in a sleep clinic.

Some people benefit from various kinds of oral appliances to keep the airway open during sleep. "Breathing machines" like the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) may help. There are also surgical procedures to remove and tighten tissue and widen the airway.

OSA symptoms, signs and sequelae

This section summarizes the clinical picture and consequences of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

In the June 27, 2008 edition of the journal Neuroscience Letters, researchers revealed that people with OSA show tissue loss in brain regions that help store memory, thus linking OSA with memory loss.
Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the scientists discovered that sleep apnea patients' mammillary bodies were nearly 20 percent smaller, particularly on the left side.
One of the key investigators hypothesized that repeated drops in oxygen lead to the brain injury.

Yup, you did see it correctly, memory lost is the effect of Sleep apnea
This explains my lousy memory.

I not using Sleep apnea as a reason, or whatever...
The Sleep test will tell all...
I hope I find out what shit i have...
Because Sleep apnea is affecting my life badly...

Im afraid, i might be a changed person after...........
Hope to be a better person.

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