Today climb out of bed easily, as my only workout day has arrived.
Solidly stood up right after my alarm rang, 100% no snoozing.
The first thing i ate after washing my mouth is MASHMALLOW.
OMG, it feels damn good when you eat your favourite food first thing in the morning.
My favourite brand of Mashmallow is this:
Rocky Mountain Marshmallow!
The Softest, most delicious Mashmallows you can find around.
I popped one right into my mouth, and went straight to meet my brothers for gym session.
I meet Yongbin on the way there and we met up with Junhao, Weiming and Zixian who were already there.
Gym session was fun and challedging.
I tried climbing the "step-up" machine.

It is a very advance gym machine that stimulates the way you climb stairs.
I went up the machines after doing some warmups.
I was easy at first, but when I reached the 30th floor,
I had only willpower to keep myself going.
Soon, i reach 50th floor.
My leg muscles was totally fatigue, and i couldn't balance myself when i got off the "holy" machine.
But i was quite sastified with myself.
Junhao used that machine too.
He tried 50th floor like me, but he went for a second try a while later.
and in total he climbed 100 floors.
It was a really great feat.
But his lower limbs suffered from hyper fatigue right after the 100th floor.
Junhao made his fullest in the whole session.
However, Cheese was the ULTIMATE SLACKER.
He is rather weak and he didn't do a lot of work out there.
Now, we can see why he is in Hamonica club XD.
But he did tried his best by coming.
keep up the good work =]
Later, we went and stuff ourselves with food.
We were dead hungry by then.
Especially our dear Joseph,
he only had a single Mashmallow for breakfast.
I ate duckrice set, and went to macdonald.
Everyone brought desserts and i brought my favourite strawberry Sundae!
After eating one, me and junhao decided to have another serving of dessert.
He brought the hot fudge and i had chocolate milkshake instead.
The first thing i sat down after buying,
Weiming exclaimed "FATS!"
LOL, i didn't really care at first because it tasted good....
only for a few sips,
after more mouthfuls of the milkshake,
i began to feel fats all over my stomach.
And the milkshake felt extremely disgusting.
Finishing the whole things took quite a lot of effort and discipline.
After finishing, i was relieved, and hoped my stomach could excret the fats safely XD
Later, we went to Vincent's Grandma's house to play tennis.
We were so tired, some of us were napping on the bus.
And yup, tennis again XD
Under the burning sun, we played with sweat and blood.
The scorching rays were literally burning the hell out of us.
Soon, we had to leave the court for Joel's house's court.
We started playing knockout fixtures.
First round:
Joel won Jk
Joseph won Weiming
Vincent won Junhao
Joel won Joseph
Joseph won Vincent
He won all of us.
Look at his ultimate trademark tennis stance:
Haha, its really super cool.
Haha really had fun. We played for the whole day.
Dead tired, even writing this entries was really difficult XD
AND when i am seriously shock...
OMG... she told everyone I am a bitch.
Qiqi is a Bad girl.
But i want to thank her, because, she gave me free publicity.
Everyone who visits the blog will know me XD.
Thanks Qiqi!!
Just like yesterday, today, we will end of with some random facts:
Random Fact #1 : We love picking free tennis balls from the Bushes!! XD
Random Fact #2 : I am getting better at tennis every time I played it.
Random Fact #3 : Chocolate MilkShake "rocks"!
Random Fact #4 : HOLIDAYS IS HERE!!!
Random Fact #5 : Holidays is no big deal actually... time for more homework and catchings up to do... =[
Random Fact #6 : I am so tired.. and i still have to work tomorrow....
Haha, that's all folks! Smell me and my blog tomorrow~! XD
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